1. Terms of use

Flora d.o.o. Sadjavac bb, 32250 Ivanjica, Serbia

activity and business code: 1039 – processing and preservation of fruits and vegetables

ID number: 06786596

tax number: 100930335

web address: www.usa.mingle.rs

contact phone: + 381 60 0808 797;

contact email: prodaja@mingle.rs

General terms:

When you send us e-mail with personal identifying information, whether it is an e-mail message with a question or a comment, or a form submitted by e-mail,we use this information in order to respond to your request. Your e-mail may be forwarded to other employees or suppliers who might better answer yourquestions. Flora d.o.o. acknowledges the importance of privacy and confidentiality. Accordingly, we will take care of the security and integrity of alldetails of personal nature in full compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Flora d.o.o. reserves the right to change or remove all contents of this Web site or any part thereof at any time. Changes shall enter into force by theirpublication on this address.